Why I Hate Early Shifts
Alarm. Already? Still dark. Oh, early today. Time. What's the time. Can I snooze it? Yeah, think so. Shit. Alarm again. So soon. Fuck. Can't snooze it again. Right. Shower. Shave. This razorhead's blunt. OK. Have others, ditch it. Shit, where're the others? Fuck off. That's bullshit. I fucking bought ten of the fuckers. Shit. Rummage through bin. There it is. Fuck. Shave. Still rough. Fuck it, running late. Clean shirt - good. There's one. Iron it? Fuck ironing. No time. Fuck. Shit. Right. Socks. Where're socks? Shit. Just spent two minutes staring at floor. Fuck. Wake up. Right. Out back gate. Try to find lock. Can't fucking see it. Feel it out, already. Right. Okay. Shit. That's a train at the station. Which train? Can't see, can only hear. Fuck. Is it the train I've got to catch? Fucking hope not. Oh. Good. It's heading off the other way. Right. Buy ticket. Empty fucking platform - looks like every other bastard's got the right fucking idea. Sun still not up. Train. Fucking spotlights on front. Ow. Too early. Get on train. Warmer than outside. Sit. Wait two stops. Still dark. Shit, this is Roma Street. Fuck. Get off. Show ticket on way out. Get to work. Get headset. Sit down.
Go do crosswords in paper. Ten minutes later, all but two. Will never get those two words. Give up. Read book. Philip K. Dick. Bunch of drugged-up zonkheads getting confused. One is nark. Nark assigned to gather evidence against his own cover identity. World gradually dissolves for Nark. Can sympathise - am zonked out myself. Start trying to sneak nap. Doesn't quite work. Words just said lost in haze of sleepy unreality. Finish time comes round. Leave. Was in before sun came up, now early afternoon. Too bright. Ow. Come home. Must stay awake. Early again tomorrow. Watch TV. Only thing worth watching 'Chitty Chitty Bang Bang'. Give up after the old bamboo. Come downstairs. Decide to grab sleep anyway. Wake up. Know will not sleep good tonight. Tomorrow just as bad. Fuck.
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