Anyone who's read comic books knows that rule that a character isn't dead unless there's a body. Heck - even if there is a body, that doesn't stop characters from being brought back to life (the usual means involving cloning, alternate dimensions or some other usual everyday phenomena...). Marvel - a generally pretty shitty publisher - has been publishing a reasonable book lately called - X-Statix - think of it as the superhero-version of Big Brother - a team of super-powered freaks who are in it for all the adulation and fame they can get.
A recently announced story-line was going to be including a new character brought back from the dead "Princess" Diana. Now while her biggest contribution to many many people was raising the circulation of gossip magazines - Marvel has turned out to be a
bunch of
pussies, running away from a slight bit of controversy and have canned this story-line altogether. OH well - there goes a story-line which might have been interesting. I guess it's another Marvel book I won't be buying...