Greetings from Atlanta!
Well, we made it to Atlanta on Thursday. Our flight was early at LAX, so we were able to get a flight to Atlanta two hours earlier. And Oh My God were the seats cramped. It was like they were ergonomically designed to be the least comfortable possible position. Four HOURS OF PAIN!!!!! I swear, I couldn't even rest my head on the seat in front of me (which was leaned back against my knees). But enough whinging.
I am here at Dragon*Con, a really crowded convention filled with geeks of every description. Some are 'cool' geeks, and some are 'scary' geeks, and some are just plain geek geeks. I'm currently hijacking a computer from a friend by the name of Josh Cochran, otherwise known as Evil Josh - as a big lunk of a Texan, he's very easy to bait, but a really nice guy. And no, he's not looking over my shoulder.
I hit the Steve Jackson Games booth today and spent some money. I also won a pen off a guy by showing some obscure geek knowledge, which is pretty impressive given the general geek quotient of this place. I'd actually seen a group of guys on the first day, all in blue flightsuits with 'Terran Confederation' on the badges. Now, my first thought was Wing Commander, but for some reason I was also thinking Space: Above and Beyond. So when I saw a guy lounging around today, I asked him which it was, and he gave me a pen because I'd picked Wing Commander. So I did something geeky. :)
Anyway, I should probably give the laptop back now. More reports as they come to hand!
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