Sunday, September 17, 2006

All-Ages Gigs Suck...

  • because of the stupid restrictions on alcohol.
  • because of screaming 12 year old drama-students.
  • because of stupid children who don't know concert etiquette - if you stand 5 rows from the front of the stage you forfeit your right to complain if someone jostles you.  You want to what a show in peace?  Go stand in the balcony or buy the DVD.

Apart from that - it was a great show.

BTW - the second support act for the night (I don't count physical theatre-wankers as a support act)?  Check out this interview.  Best quote:

"All this probably takes away from the music, but like whatever, I don't care it's like a fucking movie man. You don't watch The Red Paintings to mosh out or to shake your tail feather. These shows are set up so you can disappear from reality without taking some crazy drug. I'm just so over seeing and hearing so much of the same old same old so I've created what I would like to see, I know I probably have no idea but who really does?"

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