Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New template?

Bored with the current look. What do people think? Posted by Picasa


Grant said...

Personally I think:
*The date, time and posters name should appear immediately before or after the title.

*If possible, the comments should appear in-line. Its not like we have a crap load of comments on each post, so it shouldn't consume too much vertical space.

*I was keen on the previous image you had at the top, mainly because it was f-111's and afterburers...which are both kinda cool.

Grant said...

Also...the marker bullets are a bit puncy.

Josh said...

I'm not a big fan of the posted alternative, truth be told.

I mean, the screen could stand to be wider, as far as I'm concerned, but those marker bullets aren't us. The header not having the Brisbane skyline (or something else to say, "Here we are!") also doesn't sit well with me.

Thumbs down.