Anybody who watches three games of football in a row should be declared brain dead. -- Erma Bombeck "VOLNA-TC" ROCKET-SPACE SYSTEM BASED ON SSN-18 MISSILE FOR SOUNDING OF TROPICAL CYCLONES Now this is what cold-war tech should be used Warfare at the speed of light Kilowatt for kilogram, this is the world's most powerful solid-state laser. Its invisible beam drilled Yamamoto's inch-thick steel plate in two seconds. Add larger crystals and it will eat steel a mile or more away. Water sparks new power source A new way to generate electricity from water which could be used to power small electronic devices in the future has been developed by Canadian scientists. Microchip 'could do away with pills' Scientists in the United States have developed a new way of taking medicines which could improve the effectiveness of some treatments including HIV therapy. Regrow Your Own Broken heart? No problem. New liver? Coming right up. The road to regeneration starts here. NASA to Test Fire Most Powerful Shuttle Motor Sun Versus Linux: The x86 Smack-downSun has really shifted gears lately with regards to Solaris, SPARC, and x86. For many years, Sun seemed to relegate Solaris x86 to the status of red-headed stepchild, undeserving of attention, nurturing, and support. It furthered this perception when in January of 2002, Sun announced it would not release Solaris 9, the newest upcoming Solaris operating system, on the x86 platform. Solaris 9 was to be a (more lucrative) SPARC-only platform release Source of Worry for Microsoft With more than $32 billion in sales last year, Microsoft doesn't usually worry about losing one customer. But this one may be different. Leopard wanders into college A GUARD trapped a leopard today after it sneaked into one of India's most prestigious engineering colleges in Bombay, the seventh such tawny cat to be snared within a year in the complex. |
A bunch of blokes with opinions on almost anything who aren't afraid to crap on about them to the world at large.
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
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