When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to discover they are not it. -- Bernard Bailey Could Your CD Contain Corn? Sanyo uses vegetables to build an environmentally friendly disc. Microsoft backs e-mail controls Well something had to be done...will this do it? How NOT to install computer hardware For sale: Penthouse magazine Who ever thought that porn would be lacking in sales. Village invited to test cheap, clean nuclear power A Japanese corporation wants to thrust the Interior community of Galena into international limelight by donating a new, unconventional electricity-generating plant that would light and heat the Yukon River village pollution-free for 30 years. Click to enlarge Ziggy admits network flawed TELSTRA chief executive Ziggy Switkowski has admitted the company has not paid enough attention to its internet network, resulting in email chaos for BigPond users over recent weeks. Light Sails to Orbit NASA watches from the sidelines as Cosmos 1, the first solar sail, goes up SGI hopes NASA's Linux spend will boost results SGI's latest results edged closer to profitability, as it announced NASA had bought a Linux machine with 256 Itanium 2 processors and was planning to buy more The 'Real World' is Embracing Open Source More Traditionally dominated in the past by OEM vendors hawking off-shore CD-R drives and line printers for resale, COMDEX this year has shifted toward more of a software focus, including Open Source, says LinuxWorld senior editor James Turner wearing a different hat as a conference track chair. This one was from Funky Junk A Titan II ICBM being launched with a sattelite payload (More details) |
A bunch of blokes with opinions on almost anything who aren't afraid to crap on about them to the world at large.
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
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