My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people. -- Orson Welles Voyager 1 Craft reaches, perhaps passes, solar system edge The Voyager 1 spacecraft, the most distant human-made object, has reached the end -- or perhaps just the beginning of the end -- of our solar system, scientists argue in two new studies. Mystery: Is Voyager at Solar System's Edge? Voyager 1 has phoned in from the edge of the solar system to let us know what it's like out there. Now scientists are arguing over whether the 26-year-old spacecraft has really reached a telltale and important boundary. Latest Sun Flare Likely Strongest of Modern Era A flare released by the Sun on Tuesday could be the most powerful ever witnessed, a monster X-ray eruption twice as strong as anything detected since satellites were capable of spotting them starting in the mid-1970s. Closest Known Galaxy Just Discovered A small galaxy has just been detected as it is being ripped apart and swallowed by the much larger Milky Way. The Canis Major dwarf galaxy, as it is now called, is closer to the center of our galaxy than any previously known. Is Java Dead? To those who doubt Java's future, Sun product marketing vice president Joe Keller points out that there are 150 million Java-enabled mobile phones. Although other promising markets exist for the technology, "the one that continues to grow like a weed is cell phones," he says. Let Reverse-Engineering Go Forward The U.S. Copyright Office's ruling in the Lexmark case makes it much harder for manufacturers to claim protection under the DMCA Red Hat realignment opens door for Red Carpet Earlier this year Red Hat said it would drop Red Hat Linux to focus exclusively on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. In September the company announced that the community-based Fedora project would replace what used to be the free version of Red Hat Linux. Yesterday Red Hat told its customers when it would end support of Red Hat 9. Those developments raised important questions for Ximian Desktop users. Would Ximian support Red Hat Enterprise Linux or Fedora? And would the company position its Red Carpet service as the natural successor to Red Hat Network (RHN), since those who don't step up to Enterprise Linux will be left without RHN support for Fedora? Novell Vice Chariman, Chris Stone on why Novell picked SuSE Chris Stone, Novell's vice chairman, spoke Tuesday with Computerworld about the strategy behind his company's plan to acquire SUSE Linux AG, and why Novell chose SUSE instead of Red Hat. Creating a Complete Distribution on CD If you need a CD distribution that is more flexible and customizable than the ones readily available, create your own. For the extreme Linux enthusiast. Slashdot Article: 'Matrix Revolutions' Opens Today The ones looking for cool action will hardly find any, neither will the ones who came for the story be satisfied. Matrix end is no revelation Towards the end of The Matrix Revolutions, one of the film's minor characters expresses precisely what many in the audience are feeling. "It doesn't make any sense," he says. Fun with (more) car lighters The hardest thing to figure out about car cigarette lighters these days is what to do with the actual lighter. Intel mulls metal over silicon for new chips Moore's Law is alive and well, but Intel is changing its basic semiconductor recipes to make sure that it stays that way. RFID: Promise and Peril Every new technology embodies new risks. Radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags are increasingly popular, having made their debut in retail security tags for high-dollar merchandise. Unlike the little magnetic slugs in self-adhesive plastic packages (as you might find on CD cases), RFID tags are nearly flat and can do far more than set off an alarm as they pass through a door. Fuel-Cell Stocks Not Powered Up Hydrogen fuel-cell companies, which develop technologies that are expected to power future generations of cars, face an exhausting journey to profit, a recent study found. Plot was Guy-normous IF Guy Fawkes had succeeded with his gunpowder plot he would have devastated much of London as well as blowing the palace of Westminster sky-high. Putting Novell's SuSE purchase into perspective We listened to the "We all love each other and everything is going to be wonderful" press conference, looked at reactions from our readers to the original "Novell buys SuSE" announcement, monitored and asked questions in assorted IRC channels, and talked to contacts at Novell, SuSE, Ximian, and elsewhere. But whatever we say (or anyone else says) this week, don't expect the full effect of Novell's SuSE purchase to be visible for at least two months; the deal won't be finalized until January, according to both companies' managements. Novell reinvents itself around Linux For Novell, Linux is not just a popular operating system--it's a lifeline for the company and its shrinking base of NetWare customers. Schu to take on jet fighter FORMULA One world champion Michael Schumacher will pit his speed against a supersonic jet fighter screaming down the runway at an Italian airbase next month, Italian Air Force officials said. With luck, the fighter will be armed. New phone uses finger as earpiece A JAPANESE company has invented the world's first wristwatch phone which works by transforming the user's finger into an earpiece, New Scientist says in it's next issue, due out on Saturday. Twice-daily conjugal sex bid fails AN Israeli lawyer tried but failed to legally bind his wife to have sexual intercourse with him twice a day, the country's top-selling daily reported today. The Russian Soyuz spacecraft:
A bunch of blokes with opinions on almost anything who aren't afraid to crap on about them to the world at large.
Thursday, November 06, 2003
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