Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana. -- Lisa Grossman Simpsons Fan Creates Real Tomacco Plant So, according to a KPTV newscast, a Simpsons fan with too much time on his hands grafted a tobacco plant and a tomato plant and, ta-da: tomacco! Oncolytics Biotech and The U.S. National Cancer Institute to collaborate on multiple clinical trials with REOLYSIN(R) Oncolytics Biotech Inc. announced today that support for multiple clinical trials to evaluate the efficacy of REOLYSIN® in a range of cancers has been approved by the Drug Development Group of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis, U.S. National Cancer Institute Name That Cancer in One Molecule A nanotechnology now used to detect imperfections in silicon chips may have a future in diagnosing cancer earlier and more precisely than has ever been possible. November 2003 Web Server Survey In the November 2003 survey we received responses from 44,946,965 sites. Microsoft signals search intentions with Overture poach Microsoft has hired Paul Ryan, a former CTO of pay-per-click search firm Overture Services, to lead its push into search technology. The Dawn of the E-Bomb For the wired world, the allure and the danger of high-power microwave weapons are both very real IBM adds 10,000 jobs this year IBM has announced plans to create 10,000 jobs next year and will also retrain 100,000 employees for computer services and software work, according to chief executive Sam Palmisano. Novell Announces Agreement to Acquire Leading Enterprise Linux Technology Company SUSE LINUX Novell today announced it has entered into an agreement to acquire SUSE LINUX, one of the world's leading enterprise Linux companies, expanding Novell's ability to provide enterprise-class services and support on the Linux platform. Red Hat recommends Windows for consumers Red Hat's chief executive has said that Windows will remain the right platform for home users, at least until Linux has had more time to mature Novell, Red Hat and the Linux Desktop Linux users have been rocked this week by big news from two major vendors: Red Hat has bowed out of the race for the desktop market, and SuSE has been bought by Novell. What do these twin tremors mean for Linux users and the future of Linux itself? 'Longhorn' Pitted Against Linux 2.6 The stage is set for a showdown between 'Longhorn' and Linux systems, as Microsoft, Red Hat and SuSE kick off a war of words. Health Physics Historical Instrumentation Museum Collection Deemed the official repository for historical radiological instruments by the Health Physics Society, the collection chronicles the scientific and commercial history of radioactivity and radiation. I gotta get me a Nuclear Slide Rule.
A bunch of blokes with opinions on almost anything who aren't afraid to crap on about them to the world at large.
Wednesday, November 05, 2003
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