Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Slim Fittings

I know some people are desperate for clothes - but this is ridiculous.

The Horror.....The Horror

I'd always though magazine covers were designed to attract readers.....

Best Short Fiction

Bowling for Columbine was in many ways an entertaining film, but like all good propaganda the opinions it espouses as fact should be taken with a rather large grain of salt. Although this is now old news, that this film was awarded "Best Documentary" is really a joke. Web sites such as Revoke the Oscar point out many of the liberties taken and half-truths (or no-truths) told by Moore as part of his agenda pushing.
"Shame on you, Mr. Academy, shame on you."

so...did anyone spot the apricot?

Look Out

Who needs snipers......

Tuesday, April 29, 2003

The Hazards of Combat

I have been using a freeware porgram called w.bloggar to post to Talkin' 'Bout Shit.
It seems to work fairly well and can reportedly handle images thought I have not experimented with that yet.

Humorous Link:

Monday, April 28, 2003


Microsoft SUS
Microsoft Software Update Services
This is a set of services (aptly named SUS) that run on a LAN server that will download the updates and then farm them out to the network clients.
Is it just me or is this a case of Microsoft saying "We make shit. Now have some more crap to help fix the pre-existing shit."
What a fantastic age we live in where the software that runs the computers that we (and the government) rely on is so flawed that an update server is required to keep things running smoothly.
Fuck making better software, just release crappy patches for shitty software, as 90% of everything is crap why try to do it right? By the way. XP 'Service Pack' 1a is available...good to see they screwed up the first release.

This brings me to another point: the Micro$cum website. You need a bloody Masters Degree to find what the hell it is that you want! Is it too much to ask that there be easy to navigate directory of the various areas of the site?
The other day I was downloading something from the site, I went back the next day and went to get the second file. The site had been changed and it took me 45mins to find the same bloody page!
Now. Micro$cum make a fairly easy to navigate and use Operating System (its one main advantage over UNIX/Linux/BSD products), but how the fuck did the web site (something that puts forward a representation of the company to the public) become so bloody difficult and illogical to use?
Is a decent site map too much to ask? Apparently so.

When looking for information of various products (eg. BizTalk Server) it is also too much to ask for a plain English description. Instead of a description you get some bloody propaganda about the product, not what it actually does. I wouldn't but from a companty that evades the exceedingly obvious questions like: "What does you software do?" "What functions does it perform?" Not to mention: "How secure is it?"

But not only this, Micro$cum force us to use their crap. When you install Windows you get several applications that you cannot remove. Try and actually uninstall Internet Explorer or stop it from taking over varying aspects of the OS. Disabling Messenger can be almost as bad. Far be it for me to jump on the Linux bandwagon but at least you can uninstall whatever the hell you want, configure what you like and custoise the hell out of the rest of it. Admittedly a fair bit of technical knowledge is required, but the uninstallation of unwanted software is easy.

As if that were not enough Micro$cum force its users to use the exceptionally dodgy Service Packs. NT SP 6 nuked some part of NT4 and was replaced by NT SP 6a not more than three days later. If you want to use DirectX 9 in Windows XP then you need to upgrade using the Service Pack. Some of the more knowledgable users will notice that the redistibutable DirectX 9 installer is on most magazine CD's and on new release games. But Micro$oft also claim that the J2RE can only be installed via the Service Pack but going to the Sun website will allow you to download J2RE. Another misdirection from Micro$oft. I might also point out that there is a XP SP 1a.

Well.....that feels better.

You have just been reading another Brain Fart from Grant

Warning....Gravitic Anomalies Detected!!!

Woohoo - we are now under the effects of the Rapposphere.


Of course - if you wish to suggest Snipers as the solution to our traffic problems - it would be only polite to supply us with some images of said devices...

Money....That's What I Want

Of course - it's far easier to deploy three revenue raisers within 500 metres of each other than it is to take steps to aleviate the problem in the first place.  Especailly considering some content that the camera can actually increase the number of road accidents...

Then again - when bright sparks develop devices that will tell you exactly where the camera's are and how long you have to slow down for - it's all good.

Three words "We Have Snipers".

Even if they can't solve the speeding problem(s), I'm sure they could fix any number of other social issues.
Now can we finaly leave the speed camera debate, Especialy since you're both right. Are they a deterent againt speeding... YES, are the revenue raising... YES (but the due to their apparent high cost some revenue raising would be a good thing)

More on speed cameras

More on avoidance (aimed at the UK, though).

Of course, that isn't the point. The point is that speed cameras are one tool available to try and curb the level of speeding on our roads. Because the tool isn't perfect, we should throw it away? How about we figure out how to deploy it effectively, instead?

Sunday, April 27, 2003

What...I Said What....

Thank goodness people would never go out of their way to avoid or defeat them. There's no market for that kind of thing at all...


Because I can't resist baiting certain people. . .
ACT Speed Cameras

Once Again

Hollywood Idiots - I think there's a message in there for all of us...


Think Macca's is only goog for ruining your health? Some people beg to differ
Who wants to be in Star Wars?!
Check the link...
half-way down...
Maura Fay Group Casting


For any fan of pro-wrestling (even the train-wreck that is the WWE/F these days), Wrestlecrap is a must visit site on a weekly basis. It takes a good look at some of the gross stupidity that has occurred in this industry, and is always a good laugh.
Nerd Link

This  I, Cringlely is worth the read: I, Cringely | The Pulpit

New Labor Hard At Work

Cherie's freebie shopping spree
By Nui Te Koha
April 26, 2003
CHERIE Blair, wife of British Prime Minister Tony Blair, indulged in a wild Melbourne shopping spree - and did not spend a cent.

[ | Cherie's freebie shopping spree (April 26, 2003)]

And this is why I love the hypocrisy of the modern Labor Party. Keep in mind this is a woman who earns over $600 000 a year and has no problem telling foreign governments how to run their country - but is not above indulging in the kind of rampage that makes Anna Nicole Smith look the model of restraint.


Had the chance to catch the movie Equilibrium with a bunch of the guys Saturday night. Definitely good fun if you enjoy your Gun-Fu. Almost a cross between Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451, with a mix of Matrix-stylings. Solid cast and some interesting thoughts in it.

Python Fun

French Guard I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Mozblog Too

Hrmmm - lets see if Mozblog works for me too.

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Once Again

Rectified Title Foreground
swish..much better

MozBlog Test
I second the Snide Bastard thing
Note the use of italics
woohoo the bastard worked ;~]

Shitty Title Background

I think that the change to the Blue background is now difficult to read.
Could we change that back to a colour that contrasts more with the chosen text colour.

James A Is A Snide Twat

Now this is one that might be fun to post eighteen times...

Simple Stuff

If only you'd remember simple things like headlines as well ;)
It would appear I've yet to master the art of posting without posting umpteen billion copies. *sigh*

Welcome to Two

Looks like Grant and Josh are onboard.

Or perhaps not - stoopid delays in blog posting.
And, of course, if someone does something stupid like I just did and keep pressing the post button without checking the webpage, it'll stay preserved for all to see.

Still Messing About

Still trying to get the hang of all this stuff. Isn't it fascinating trying to see if things work or not.
Talkin' 'Bout Shit - Hey wow - a link.

- and an image.

Testing 3

Well hooray - looks like things are actually working for a change. I'm sure the whole world is thrilled by this development. Now to get the rest of the guys up and running on this bloody thing and we can rant and rave until the cows come home.

Testing 2

Still fiddling about to try and get this damned thing working. Gee isn't technology wonderful. At least the Bronco's won tonight.....

Testing 1

Well, I've finally gotten my act together and organised a blog. This is just a quick test to see if everything's in order.