Friday, March 30, 2007

Bowling Ball Freak Accident

PC, Mac... meet Linux

Best Quote

"Anybody who thinks that it's a serious attempt at telling history I think needs their head read. It's purely entertainment. It's a popcorn film."
Actor David Wenham responding to critics of the historical innacuracies of the movie '300'.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hilarious, I love controversy

Council bans smoking in public places
I doubt my comments will be posted though..... although by the laws of the net the rabid anti smokers have allready won as the term Nazi has been used

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Great news

There WILL Be a Transporter 3 - Shooting Next Year - if there can be three Fast and the Furious films then I see no problem with a third in this stupid series. Maybe it'll end up with an invasion of Cuba as well?

What won't help you defence if you crash your car.

Man blames unicorn for crash
A US man accused of drink-driving and crashing his truck into a lamp post told police a unicorn had been at the wheel when it careered off the road.

It's a long way up (and down)

The steps you climb to get to the top of the Arc de Triomphe. They say it's only 51 metres tall, but it sure feels alot higher than that.
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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What a goal

Guess what dickhead...

..even if you do have your phone switched over to 'silent', if you leave the vibrate function on and leave it on a wooden desk, the bloody buzzing is still going to let everyone know you're phone is ringing; especially if you don't bother to answer it or SWITCH THE BLOODY THING OFF!!!