Thursday, August 25, 2005

In space, no one can hear you scream:

Well. That's not entirely true, as Admiral Kirk has proven in spades.
Now you too can relive one of the best Star Trek bits over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

Friday, August 19, 2005

Chugworth Academy

Following a link from the Order of the Stick web comic, I found the somewhat amusing Chugworth Academy. CA is, on occasion, just plain twisted.

$900 a bottle

$900 a bottle, originally uploaded by JamesA.

And it was good.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Security Alerts

Following the events in London last week the French government announced yesterday that it has raised its terror alert level from 'Run' to 'Hide'.
The only two higher levels in France are 'Surrender' and 'Collaborate'.

Updates from around Europe:

The Italians have increased their alert level from "shouting excitedly" to "elaborate military posturing". Two more levels remain, "ineffective combat operations" and "change sides".

The Germans have also increased their alert state from "disdainful arrogance" to "full dress-uniform and marching songs". They have two higher levels, "invade a neighbour" and "lose".

Seeing this reaction in continental Europe the Americans have gone from "isolationism" to "find somewhere ripe for regime change". Their remaining higher alert states are "take on the world" and "ask the British for help".

Finally, in UK they've gone from "pretend nothing's happening" to "make another cup of tea". Our higher levels are "chin-up" and "remain cheerful"

Friday, August 12, 2005

Weird sounds

So I'm listening to some music on the way home, and a track by The Mars Volta comes on. Now, they're sort of a prog rock bank - so you expect it to often sound kind of strange (heck - on their latest album, they didn't even have the space to fit the title track in - they had to release that on a separate CD). What I didn't expect to hear however, was a tea kettle.
[Listening to: The Pixies - Surfa Rosa and Come on Pilgrim - I've Been Tired (3:00)]


I'm not sure what to make of this, other than I want to see it. Posted by Picasa

Gardening for Grant

If only he had the yard for it. Posted by Picasa

Blog malfunction

Does anyone else have the problem when vieing the Blog that it just goes black and does not display and just keeps loading?

Of cource i do realise that if anyone is having this problem then they will not be able to view this message...which raises the obvious question: Why did I decide to Blog this question? I'm not quite sure that I will ever know the answer to that.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Monday, August 08, 2005

Exotic Weapons and D&D.

I've never been much of a fan of the 'exotic weapons' in D&D, like the 'double sword' (It's like Darth Maul's lightsabre, only with swordblades!) and the 'double axe' (have a guess) as well as the various axe/spear combinations and stuff. I have seen some real-world double swords, though, so it's not entirely the invention of silly games designers (though the double axe does make me wonder).

Though those aren't anywhere near as silly as these weapons.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Big Ass Latte

DSC00112, originally uploaded by JamesA.

All coffee should be served in cups this big.

Anyone using Firefox

should install this extension now.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Enlightenment at last!

The Daily Illuminator today linked to an open letter to the Kansas board of education. The Kansas board of education is one of those boards of dopey schmucks who get taken in by creationist gibberish, as long as it's couched in terms of Intelligent Design, which is really just creationism with the serial numbers filed off (inasmuch as it's a theory at all, and not a 'what if...' question).

So the open letter is an alternate Intelligent Design theory. I think it is obviously superior to the standard Intelligent Design theory, and possibly even to the accepted scientific theory, mainly because the accepted scientific theory doesn't explain key information about the link between declining numbers of pirates and global warming.

So read it. Be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

Thursday, August 04, 2005