Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Are you alert?

Your country needs lerts:

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

For the love of god....

Most of us remember Soldier of Fortune, great game, incredible violence.... Fun.
Well I picked up a copy of SOF Payback last night and gave it a go, a not so spectacular shooter. The back promised "The most outrageous damage modeling ever." so it should be fun (in a therapeutic). but I played and watched the bad guys. Not only did they keep limbs intact, they didn't even seem to have wounds. I wondered why this is for a bit, then checked the web. Our censors refused it a rating (since we don't have an R rating for games), and Activision removed the damage system to get it released.
How stupid is the government (at least the censorship board) and how retarded is Activision. Don't they realise that if it can't be got here we'll either order it from overseas, or we'll use "other" means of obtaining it, no GST for the Govt., No cash for Activision. We still get the game.
Time for the censorship board to wake up and smell the information age.