Saturday, March 05, 2005

The recording industry can go f*ck itself

Nice title - but hey - that's pretty much my feeling for them at the moment. Why? Well - apart from the rank hypocrisy and stupidity of them trying to tell me how and when I will listen to the music I purchased from them, it's their sheer gall to stand up and cry foul that pirates are stealing the hard-earned money from the poor struggling artists, while at the same time refusing to release completed albums because they can't "find a marketable single".

Now I'm not crying up a storm here because they're stopping the release of an album by Fiona Apple - I'm sure she's still quite well off thank you very much. I'm pissed off because it's music that I want to listen to and they're stopping me from doing so for no other reason than their crass commercialism. So much for their whinging about artistic integrity.

It's such a shame that these situations arise, yet so much crap still gets released without a problem (god I feel unclean after that lot).

[Addendum] I'm sure you've all heard the saying "Information wants to be free". It now appears, by various means that at least six of the eleven tracks off Fiona Apple's completed album (an album that Sony started promoting last year) how found their way onto the information superhighway. heh.

[Listening to: Stabbing Westward - Wither Blister Burn & Peel - What Do I Have To Do (4:09)]

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