Friday, August 05, 2005

Enlightenment at last!

The Daily Illuminator today linked to an open letter to the Kansas board of education. The Kansas board of education is one of those boards of dopey schmucks who get taken in by creationist gibberish, as long as it's couched in terms of Intelligent Design, which is really just creationism with the serial numbers filed off (inasmuch as it's a theory at all, and not a 'what if...' question).

So the open letter is an alternate Intelligent Design theory. I think it is obviously superior to the standard Intelligent Design theory, and possibly even to the accepted scientific theory, mainly because the accepted scientific theory doesn't explain key information about the link between declining numbers of pirates and global warming.

So read it. Be touched by His Noodly Appendage.

1 comment:

Grant said...

has anyone looked at the merchandise?