Thursday, November 24, 2005

I want a new Lexus.

I was watching TV the other night, when an ad came on for some new Lexus.

And, well, it convinced me that I should buy it, because I can't think of another car on the market that has bull-morphing technology.

That's right, if you ever find yourself in a car being charged by two bulls from opposite directions, you'll rue the day you didn't get the car with the technology to morph the bulls directly into the body of the car.

I wish there was a link I could provide that would show the bull-morphing to those of you who still doubt it, but you'll just have to catch the ad and be amazed for yourself.

(Sarcasm aside, what the fuck? What the fuck does it mean to show bulls charging a car and then frigging morphing into it and then have some wanker of a shirtless driver drop in through the ceiling of the car and morph into it as well? What crack-smoking advertising agent possibly thought this would sell cars?)

1 comment:

Grant said...

What you need to bear in mind is that this is advertising aimed at people that think that Lexus are some kind of luxury sports car...when they are merely an expensive Toyota. Also, these same people would be happy to pay the expensive price.

These are the people who are more concerned with their image than they are with exercising common sense.

These are the people who say "It's only a car. It only gets you from A to B." Then I say: you could do that for $20,000. It doesn't have to cost between $53,890 and $78,500 (this is one of the cheapest Lexus available). So I guess its not "just a car", its more about the "look at me" factor.

(Prices for the Lexus IS250 were sourced from