We're currently having one of the (semi-) regular curbside clean-ups. This
is where the Council (eventually) comes along to collect all the junk
you've left out.
Of course along with this collection come the parasites. These creatures
trawl along the side of the road in their utes, presumably looking for
items to sell at the local flea market.
We pul out on the curb our old lounge suite. It was only 32 years old,
infested with moths, cracking at the joins with rubber straps that snap
every time you sit in it.
It didn't last three hours.
A bunch of old wooden patio seats we no longer used because the seats are
cracked in half. Gone. My old parallel port scanner which made grinding
sounds like a draw bridge every time you plugged it in & no longer scanned
anything. Gone. I'm now waiting for someone to nick the deceased monitors
I've put down there. The ones it's rained into...
Now the parasites k.nicking stuff isn't my major gripe (although you'd
never guess). What really bugs me are the loosers who dump their junk
while loading up on ours. Things like sheets of glass & broken bits of
fibro. Tossers.