Thursday, December 28, 2006

10 Books that have really impressed me.

Following on from the conversation at the BBQ, here are 10 books that have really impressed me (they are in no order, apart from the one I wrote them down in).
* Michael A Stackpole - Talion: Revenant
* Orson Scott Card - Ender's Game
* Joe Haldeman - The Forever War
* David Brin - Sundiver
* Raymond E Fiest - Magician
* Ian Irvine - The View from the Mirror (series: A Shadow on the Glass, The Tower on the Rift, Dark is the Moon, The Way Between the Worlds)
* David Gemmell - Legend
* Kim Stanley Robinson - "Mars Trilogy" (Red Mars, Green Mars, Blue Mars)
* Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash

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