Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Evolving Music

So I'm looking on the iTunes music store to see if there's anything interesting there and I notice they have a new song by Silverchair listed - well it is stated to have come out in 2007.  I'm not going to pay for it; can't be bothered searching it out anywhere else (cough cough), so I figure I'll avail myself of the free 30 second demo the store provides.  And what does that 30 seconds tell me????

......they've turned into freaking Coldplay.  This from a band formerly dubbed 'Innocent Criminals' and often given the moniker 'Nirvana in Pyjamas'.  Just sad.


Anonymous said...

Nah, they're not Coldplay. Coldplay's stuff all sounds like the same, sad crap. I think if you look on YouTube for their recent concerts, there's quite a range of musical styles. It's definitely not like their old stuff, but the first single is pretty pop-y, compared to the rest of the music, probably the most "radio friendly." You still might not like the other new stuff, but the first single is not a good thing to go on.

Grant said...

Holy Crap! Someone else (apart from us pack of loonies) is reading our blog? We might have to start spouting more crap ;~]