Monday, September 22, 2003

Undead Comments

Comments from a few people who've seen Underworld.

They had the usual run-of-the-mill modern vampire powers: super strength, endurance, agility,?speed, occasional spider climbing. Any more specific powers than that and then they would?unmistakably be treading into White Wolf territory. As is they have some plausible deniability.

Yes and their Vampires not only bleed, but they faint from blood loss and need fucking CPR and have water in their lungs.

I think the writer missed an important aspect of Vampires. They are the fucking UNdead.
To the naysayers.
Yes, they bleed. Get over someone else's made up vampire biology.
Yes, there are twisty turny internal logic conflicts, so don't worry about them.
And as has been said - do not be concerned about ultraviolet bullets (or silver nitrate ones) in a film where people turn into wolves.
It is a film to sit back and enjoy.
It looks nice.

Does not bode well, despite PVC-goodness...

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