Thursday, September 02, 2004

Those who've lost it

Back in the day when I first started changing over from tape's to CD's, one of my first purchases was the album Post by Björk.

I bought if primarily because of two track - Army of Me and It's Oh So Quiet - both coincidentally had smashing film clips. After listening to it, I discovered other great tracks on the album such as Hyper-ballad and Possibly Maybe. It was pretty much a great album, one of my favorites.

Fast forward a few years and I've had a chance to listed to Björk's new album Medulla.

And the first question is - "Where there f@ck has the Björk I enjoyed gone?" Gone are the catchy tunes and cool melodies. In their place is instead pretentious warbling and minimalist synthesizers - sounding more like a bloody Radiohead album. There's no greater example of this crap that track 10 - Desired Constellation. Go listen to it in a record store and you'll marvel at just how shit it is. Pretentious music - thy name is crap.

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