Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Impossible Movie 3

It didn't do poorly at the box office because the scientology midget went crazy (although that probably didn't help...), it did poorly because it was a confusingly bad movie.

How bad?  Well for starters they've tried to recycle the majority of the plot from the first movie - minus Jean Reno (never a good start).  Secondly, it looks like a cheap TV shoot with endless shots of short man running.  Say what you will about the first two movies, but at least their respective directors (De Palma and Woo) brought their own visual styles to the film.  Compared to those two, if did look like what it was - the big screen debut of a TV director.

And the bits where they weren't recycling the first film?  They looked like they had escaped from Felicity.  Soppy, silly melodrama.  Hrmmm.. Wait a minute.  That sounds an awful lot like Alias.  Minus the bad wigs of course.

But possibly my favorite dumb bit.  How do they manage to put even the slightest bit of drama into the inevitable fisticuffs between super-agent Ethan Hunt and tubby oscar winner?  By putting a bomb in his brain that buzzes to distract him!

Now that Cruise seems to be out of the movie-making business for the moment, I hope that when Paramount eventually goes ahead with MI4, they and do the thing that made the original tv show a success.  Get a team of agents to solve the problem together.  Instead of James Bond stand-in + token wisecracking black guy + background colour.

If you're really looking for a updated bond-style film I can think of a few much better options.

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