Friday, May 18, 2007

The Internet - Bringing Mediocrity Straight Into Your Brain

There are over six billion people in the world. This means that even if certain circumstances have a one-in-a-billion chance of occurring, it should happen, on average, about six times.

Say, for example, a guy's wanting to show off his moves to the laydeez. (Not dance moves, actual, you know, intimate, moves.) And, instead of having to go through the laborious process of talking one of the laydeez into, ahem, a private viewing, he wants to show his stuff to as many laydeez as possible.

Say he has a bunch of mates with the same idea. So the odds against the guys, collectively, deciding to showcase their moves on a YouTube video would be pretty slim, right?

It's happened. It seriously has.

Fortunately, someone's decided to do a pisstake, which is the only reason I'm not trying to tear my eyes out to clean my brain.

But still - think very, very carefully before you post something to YouTube. Doubly so if you're dancing or performing any kind of motion.

(The closest I come to being on YouTube was a video of a World of Warcraft raid I was in where we killed some dragon. And of course I was on the other side of the dragon from the guy taking the video so there's no way in hell anyone could tell I'm there, and if you're not really hanging out to see a World of Warcraft dragon taken down, then don't worry too much about the video.)


Grant said...

I really, really wished that I wasn't so curious as to have to click that link. I have to go now, I am going to remove my eyes with a fork.

JamesA said...

1. What'd that couch ever do to deserve that?

2. Please make the bad men stop....