Friday, July 02, 2004

Great Moments In Gaming

After a hiatus of over a year, I'm going to be running a D&D game tomorrow.

I was happy at the prospect of actually running the game that I enthusiastically volunteered when the question of 'what shall we play' was raised.

And about five seconds later, I realised that I did not have any ideas for an adventure. I'd not even given it much thought over the last YEAR or so.

But I'd volunteered. To which I thought, "Bugger".

Good news, though - some ideas are starting to percolate. I have, basically, a teaser.

Bad news, though - I have an early shift tomorrow morning and I'm typing this at 11:30pm.

Buggered if I know (at this point) where what I have'll send the group, though, which makes further planning difficult. And D&D is not Feng Shui when it comes to the winging it.

Still, I'll try to think of something.

If all else fails, I can nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

1 comment:

JamesA said...

Nuke the site from orbit? I didn't think we were playing cyberpunk...