Friday, March 03, 2006

Day 03 - 24/02/2006

Pulled up relatively well after last nights activities. Got woken up at
7am by a phone call from a friend in Australia. Hopefully more on that

Today the plan is to go shooting. That should be big fun (I hope). If we
ever get there.

The shooting was good fun. I used a .45. Th gun had bit of a kick - more
jerk upwards than anything else. I ended up winning the pistol shoot with
an 85% score.

Went looking for some souvineers to take home to people. Not a great deal
of luck.

Went out for dinner tonight. Do you think we went out for some authentic
Thai cuisine? Nope - we had Italian instead.

Went back to Patong Beach- sober this time. The place still smells pretty
bad - which you don't really notice when you've had a few. Managed to do
some shopping for a bunch of stuff. It's amazing how quick a price will
drop when you walk away from a vendor. 1200 to 600 Baht or less in the
blink of an eye.

Pepsi Latte - a drink that's probably not going to catch on.

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