Thursday, April 12, 2007

Let's just give up and take it from the minorities...again.

Full Article Here

Anzac Day 'may offend'

ANZAC Day commemorations may offend some religious and ethnic minorities, a new report has claimed.

The study commissioned by Multicultural Affairs Queensland found some immigrants associated Anzac Day with the "increased nationalism" expressed most graphically at the Cronulla riots in 2005.

The report also claimed a "climate of fear" has seized Queensland's Muslim community, which it blamed on federal immigration and anti-terrorist policies and the media.

The situation is so dire that some Brisbane Muslims suspect they might be sent to concentration camps, while others live in fear of bomb attacks.

I am sick to death of this country bowing to minorities. They are a minority, not the majority. Should we not be listening to most of the people in this country as opposed to a minority?


JamesA said...

You know what I find offensive? People who are offended at something that find offensive...

You don't like it? Sod off? Ignore it? Disagree with it. Just accept the fact that the price you pay for living in a free society is that people can say and do things that you don't personally like.

Get over it.

Grant said...

I have no problem with people saying and believing things I don't like, but when a nation bows to minority groups over and over and over and over and over and over and over again then we arn't living in as free a society as you think.

And if you don't like my opinion: Sod off.

BTW: are you aware that you fall into your own category of "People who are offended at something they find offensive."

JamesA said...

Read it again mate.

I'm not offended by people who are offended by people who are acting all offended (ie - you). I'm offended by people who are acting all offended and don't think that the people who have offended them should be allowed to perform the offensive actions that offended them (ie the whinging wankers).


Or maybe I'm just pointing out the hypocracy of people who believe their freedom of expression should be protected by supressing that same freedom of expression in others.

Grant said...

All apologies...biiiiig misread on my part.