Saturday, February 21, 2004

How opinion differ.

I just watched a movie called "Vampire Hunters" produced by Tsui Hark. I thought it was great. and would strongly recomend it to people who like HK action (Josh and Lance this means you). Personaly I think its about the best vampire movie I've seen (Though chinese vampires are somewhat different than eropean ideas, and are much less friendly. Powerwise they make Buffy style vamp look like todlers, and Dracula look like a pansy, of course they also make Nosferatu look like a supermodel). So 1700's China with swords and Spears and Weighted chains verses Super Vamps and zombies.
Meanwhile this is the only review on IMDB:

"This is THE worst movie I have EVER seen! It is SOOOOO bad I felt compelled to write this message: DON'T EVER SEE THIS FILM! IT IS SO DREADFUL YOU FEEL STUPID FOR HAVING WATCHED IT! PLEASE DO NOT SEE THIS FILM

Seriously, the most pointless piece of crap I have ever seen, the story didn't make much sense, the effects were D-grade, they were that bad and the fighting has nothing on a B-grade Hong Kong action flick. Absolutely terrible. "

Some people Have no taste, I think his judments must stem from expecting The One (the Jet Li film) meets Buffy or something of the like.

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