Friday, January 09, 2004

Britney's 'hubby' gutted
THE ex-girlfriend of Britney Spears' husband for a day tells Inside Edition that despite his claim that it was a mutual decision to seek an annulment, he may actually be broken-hearted his marriage to the pop star ended so quickly.

Alchemy of a Supermetal
Serendipity delivers a process that may cut the cost of a high-tech material

Review: Athlon 64 3400+

Space station air purifier may be leaking
Flight controllers suspect an air purifier may be leaking aboard the international space station and causing the biggest prolonged loss of pressure ever seen at the 5-year-old orbital complex.

How the Army used tech to nab Saddam
When American troops conducted a night raid that led to the capture of Saddam Hussein in December, digital technology allowed Army commanders miles away to watch virtually every move.

Cash-strapped Germany building $285,200 frog tunnel
Germany's cash-strapped government is paying 225,000 euros (U.S. $285,200) to build a tunnel to help frogs avoid the perils of a busy road, officials said Monday.

Frozen Stars. Black holes may not be bottomless pits after all
Demolishing stars, powering blasts of high-energy radiation, rending the fabric of spacetime: it is not hard to see the allure of black holes. They light up the same parts of the brain as monster trucks and battlebots do. They explain violent celestial phenomena that no other body can. They are so extreme, in fact, that no one really knows what they are.

NASA Looks for an Emergency Exit
Not since the Apollo moon shots have astronauts had an escape pod in case of an emergency during launch, but that safety measure will be central to NASA's next generation of spacecraft.

Microsoft Ads Called Bogus
Open-source advocates are crying foul over a new ad campaign from Microsoft that claims that Windows-based systems cost less in the long run than Linux-based systems.

Aussie guide to another Earth
IF there is life on other planets, an Australian team of astronomers has just found the region in our Milky Way galaxy where it is most likely to exist.

Astronomers find sun's 'twin'
Astronomers say the sun has a twin in the left claw of Scorpio. The solar twin is 18 Scorpii, located in the constellation Scorpio, a mere 46 light years from earth.

Open-Source Community Defends GPL Against SCO Attack
The open-source community is rallying against comments made by The SCO Group CEO Darl McBride late last month that the GPL, under which Linux and open-source software is distributed, violates the U.S. Constitution as well as copyright and patent laws.

Drunk driver wrecks 11 parked cars
FEAR neighbours might damage his precious Range Rover overnight prompted the vehicle's owner to move it while three times over the alcohol limit, but instead he rammed it into a total of 11 cars, Britain's Daily Telegraph reported today.

Get The FUD
Microsoft is calling its new anti-Linux ad campaign "Get the Facts," but I call it "Get the FUD."

(C) Shouting Red Goanna Inc.
A wholly subsidiary of
Screaming Blue Wombat Inc. /
Avenging Green Seahorse Industries

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