Monday, May 09, 2005

Oh Joy. Oh Rapture.

Big Brother is back on TV. BFW.

Fortunately, we have the sublime poetry of This Is Serious Mum to fully sum up the sheer tragedy of this development.

The people who make it
How do they live?
The producer's a jackal
The director's a spiv
At P.R. they're liars
The sound guy is a slime
The hostess is a bimbo
With a petulant whine

Real TV makes us all arseholes

The people who're on it
What could they have heard?
One day you're unknown
The next - you're a turd
You can't return fame
Get you money back
Imagine going on TV
To find what you lack

The people who watch it
Are arseholes and creeps
Watching other arseholes
The cycle's complete
You think reality's crap?
I disagree.
Crap isn't crap
Until it's on TV

Real TV (you are on Channel Turd)
Real TV (you are on Channel Turd)
Real TV (you are on Channel Turd)
Real TV makes us all arseholes.

- T.I.S.M, "Channel Turd"

And for some reason - people love it. Why? Honestly? Why does anyone give a shit? No-one gave a shit about these people before they were on TV - at least, not anyone who wasn't already a family member or whatever. Why the fuck should they be celebrities now? Why should we care what their innermost secrets are? Why should we care if they fall for each other? (Apart from being able to take drastic action should it appear they're about to breed.) You're watching people sitting around the house, bitching. If you can't get that at home (probably infinitely more entertaining, at that), you aren't trying hard enough. The only reason I can think of to watch it is to see naked people, but I'm on the web right now - naked people are a click of the mouse away anyway. And I don't have to sit through any petulant whining or smug self-important hosts for those naked people.

And if you're asking those same questions to yourself as to why you're reading this blog? Good. We aren't asking money from you to participate in this. We aren't pretending that we're the top shit of the universe just because you're reading our rants. You aren't getting bombarded from every fucking media outlet that you should be reading what we post, or that you should find us funny or thoughtful or rebellious or whatever. We aren't celebrities, and if you give a shit as to what we think, then I'm surprised.

I expect James to disagree with me that you don't have to give a shit about us. But his reasons for thinking himself king shit of the universe have nothing to do with the fact he has an online blog.

I hope.


Grant said...

Personally I think that it is just another way the Inner and Outer Party keep the proletariat in check.

Grant said...

Two things:
1 - If we were to advertise can you imaging the ads? Only 1 out of every 3 Babylon 5 fans would understand.
2 - I give a shit what we think, except when its what Adam thinks ;~]