Tuesday, August 05, 2003

Further Venting

Don't know why - seem to be in a real good mood today.... I was going to talk about a new show I've been watching, thanks to the glory of the interweb, called Dead Like Me - a (so far) relatively funny and slightly sick story about a young girl who is killed by the toilet seat from the de-orbiting Mir Space Station - and ends up working as a grim reaper - collecting the souls of the recently departed. I would give you the link to the shows home page - http://sho.com/deadlikeme/ - which should have information about the cast, pictures, etc - but when I tried to visit the page - I was greeted with this

I mean - wtf???. Why do something like this? Is Showtime afraid that someone from Bolivia or something is going to find out some top secret information about their tv show that they only want U.S. residents to know about? Talk about lame...