Monday, August 25, 2003

How Lame is This???

Ever been sitting there playing video games and thought to yourself, "I can't believe I have to go to class/work right now...why can't I just get paid to play video games?" Why leave the video games at home, when you can take 'em with you - and get paid the whole time? Instead of letting all your responsibilities get in the way of going out to the game, bar or club, it BECOMES your responsibility to get out there and go to all your favorite places - video games in hand. All this is possible as a member of the N-GageTM Special Forces.

The N-Gage Special Forces is an elite group of people who are selected to promote the Nokia N-GageTM mobile game deck to their peers while getting paid and having one of the coolest gigs out there. You’ll get paid to play games on the N-Gage device and demonstrate the product to people at your campus, local events, around town and all of the places you love to hang out.

What are you waiting for?!
Sign up now!
More here.

Guys - it's a f*cking phone. You use it to make and recieve calls. The fact that Nokia want to pay people to appear cool and hip while using this stupid bloody thing is just even sadder. People who think you look cool and funky playing piddly games on it aren't the types of people you want to impress...

Unless of course you really think you look cool playing games on your bloody phone. In which case - you should be hanging out with this guy.

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