Monday, May 03, 2004

Mea Culpa???? Mea Dickhead more likely

For instructions on how to completely destroy your career, may I point you to this. It's one thing to lie once, it's another thing completely to continue to live that lie and use it as a justification for arguing things you otherwise couldn't.

He's one of those rabid hand-wringing left-wing dickhead's who think it's pithy to take propaganda adverts from WW2 and the like and photoshop cheap jokes and shots onto them transforming them into the typical anti-US anti-Bush shit that so-many people swallow up as gospel truth. You know - like this.

Yes - some of them are funny. But mostly they're stupid gross oversimplifications or downright lies which are expected to be accepted as the truth for no other reason than, "ya know - Americans are evil"...

And of course whenever he was challenged on his beliefs or arguements he'd eventaully come back with "I was a U.S. Ranger - I served in the Army - I know what I'm talking about". Except of course - he didn't. He lied about ever serving in the army. And instead made a buck off that lie.

Now some people are giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Why'd Wright decide to come clean with his lie? A guilty conscience as he claims? Or was it because the Washington Post was about to expose him as the liar he is.

Check out what an ex-girlfriend thinks of him. Someone who was dating him while he was suppose to be watching Panama burn...

I know that everyone will need sometime to get over the shock of someone on the left lying in order to advance their political cause. Hrmmm - I really should get back to finishing that assignment shouldn't I...

[Update] - this is rather funny.
[Listening to: Death of a Party - Billy Whisk - Blur - Bustin' + Dronin' (CD 1) (4:47)]