Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Media Bias? Surely Not

"In normal circumstances, I would have agreed with Morgan's many critics. But this war, and its false justification, was anything but normal, and I believed that he acted for the public interest in trying to highlight a controversial and distasteful matter."
This is a quote from the Guardian's media writer Roy Greenslade (who is a former editor of The Mirror). He is of course referring to the scandal that has emerged when the UK's Daily Mirror was caught publishing fake pictures of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. What was made worse was that rather than apologizing for his error, editor Piers Morgan refused to apologize for lying to the public. THat's right - lying - not telling the truth. And now Morgan is seeking 1.5 million pounds in compensation because he lost his job as a journalist because he was caught lying...

So, what can you take from the above quote from Greenslade. That if you disagree with an issue, it's perfectly acceptable to distort the truth and print blatant falsehoods? Sounds more like it's acceptable to do so as long as you're pushing the currently acceptable media agenda. After all - we can't expect the media to bother with the truth can we...

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