Tuesday, May 27, 2003


ExtremeTech Testing Confirms Futuremark Discovery of nVidia, ATI "Cheats"

Inside Microsoft's New F# Language

Decides Munich city hall SPD for Linux
Microsoft have been ordered "Under no circumstances lose to Linux". They offer massive (up to 90%) discounts to large organisations to stop them from implementing Linux. This article is about Munich cuty administration, Germany's self-proclaimed technology capital, refusing the Microsoft offer. Not suprising really SuSE linux is German based and is distributed in German ans well as English...there probably is something here with Germany supporting German business. NOTE: the article is a Babelfish translation so it is a little like understanding Yoda with poor communication skills.

Nice little joke i found:
Who said that Microsoft has closed the doors for the alternative operating system's success? Here is how Microsoft and their technologies can help an alternative OS distribution:
"1. Make a bootable image of your OS,
2. Attach it to an e-mail,
3. Attatch Rawrite.exe to the same e-mail,
4. Make a VBS script that writes it to the disk of the e-mail receiver, and also sends copies of itself on to all the receiver's friends,
5. Send the email to all _your_ friends and addresses in your contact list (at least they'll be for now).
Unconfirmed step 6: Go to jail."

The joke was first published on the alt.os.develop newsgroup.

Another funny one
I shall seek and find you...
I shall take you to bed and control you...
I will make you ache, shake and sweat until you grunt and groan...
I will make you beg for mercy...
I will exhaust you to the point that you will be relieved when I leave you...
and you will be weak for days.
All my love,
The Flu...

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