Thursday, June 05, 2003


Cows With Guns Animation. Its not bad...a little repetitive but worth the look.

Legal action hits SCO Web site. Go the Germans!
SCO Group, the company that has warned major companies that using Linux could get them in legal trouble, has shut down its German Web site after a Linux advocacy group in the country obtained a restraining order.

SCO & UNIX: A Comedy of Errors Dont forget to ahve a look at the Poll on the article.
Article Quote:
This problem may partially explain SCO's approach of avoiding copyright claims, but the Novell announcement suggests even more serious problems for SCO. SCO's approach is almost a textbook example of how not to enforce intellectual property rights. First, don't check the scope of your rights, so you must keep changing your public position. Second, sue on your weakest and most difficult to prove rights. Third, keep the "infringements" secret to further lower your credibility. Fourth, threaten to sue everyone in the known universe before you have a decision enforcing your rights. Fifth, trumpet your successful license to the major competitor for the targeted product (Microsoft) who obviously has other motives for executing such a license. Sixth, irritate the other potential owners of the rights so that they go public with their version of events.

The question is: Who stole what from whom?
Article Quote:
At the base of it all is SCO's claim that some code it owns found its way into the Linux kernel. Or, to be more specific, that some code to which it may or may not have purchased rights from someone else found its way into the Linux 2.4.x kernels.

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