Friday, October 17, 2003

First Sign of Impending Stellar Catastrophe

Chinese Astronaut Marvels Over Space Trip

Damaged Shuttle to Dock at Space Station Under New Plan

AMD sets date for son of Opteron
Although Weber declined to provide technical details about the K9, processors that are based on the architecture will likely be capable of containing multiple chip cores--the "brain" of the chip--and of running one or more application threads.

Mac Supercomputer: Fast, Cheap
The brand new "Big Mac" supercomputer at Virginia Tech could be the second most powerful supercomputer on the planet, according to preliminary numbers.

Third serious radioactive spill at mine

Seaweed possible cancer treatment

I, Cringely: No Feather in Our CAPPS:
How We Are About to Spend a Lot of Money and (Again) Alienate Our Allies by Building a Computer System That Invades Privacy and Does Nothing to Make Us More Secure

Windows: More Flawed Than Ever

Open Source Everywhere
Software is just the beginning … open source is doing for mass innovation what the assembly line did for mass production. Get ready for the era when collaboration replaces the corporation.
But software is just the beginning. Open source has spread to other disciplines, from the hard sciences to the liberal arts. Biologists have embraced open source methods in genomics and informatics, building massive databases to genetically sequence E. coli, yeast, and other workhorses of lab research. NASA has adopted open source principles as part of its Mars mission, calling on volunteer "clickworkers" to identify millions of craters and help draw a map of the Red Planet.

Jaco Strauss' Tech Support Excuse Generator
For EG:
Redundant, bidirectional comms desynchronisation
Intermittant, deprecated precondition error
Undiagnosable, fatal metadata desynchronisation

Not time to shut Windows yet

SCO backs off Linux invoice plan
The SCO Group has backed off a plan to send invoices to corporate users in order to prod them into buying licenses for their use of Linux, an operating system the company argues violates its Unix intellectual property.

Linux a go, SCO or no
(C) Shouting Red Goanna Inc.

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