Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Stupid People

Sometimes (although, it shouldn't) the stupidity of people amazes me. That this, for example. It's from a conversation on a mailing list I belong to (a rpg list no less), and emerged from a 'debate' (more a stupidly pedantic arguing really) about whether the word Samaritan was appropriate for the world setting.
You might also be interested to note that the word "picnic" is rooted from the phrase "Pick A Nigger." This was where White Americans would "pic" a Black person to lynch and make this into a family gathering. There would be music and a "picnic." ("Nic" being the white acronym for "nigger.")
Okay...... I don't know how someone manages to get that definition from a word which has a French origin.... And this person honestly believed this because they read it on "black community website". Of course, if they'd just read the right web-site, or maybe even applied some common sense, they'd have seen right through this...

On another topic, here's a picture of some bad driving.

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