Thursday, October 30, 2003

Too bad the only people who know how to run the country are busy driving cabs and cutting hair.
-- George Burns

NASA's Earth Observatory Shows Solar Flare
Photos here

Processing at the Speed of Light
An Israeli startup has developed a processor that uses optics instead of silicon, enabling it to compute at the speed of light

Wired balls to enhance play
A SMART cricket ball that can help analyse a bowler's performance will begin field trials soon.

Radio tags for Hunter Holdens
The Hunter Holden dealership group will tag every vehicle it sells with radio frequency identification (RFID) technology as it overhauls its dealer management systems.

Green Tea and Ginger Show New Cancer-Combating Abilities
The potential health benefits of drinking green tea are varied, ranging from preventing bad breath to protecting your heart. Recent studies have also suggested that a topical cream based on the beverage may help fend off skin cancer.

Congressmen want NASA to ax space plane
Two leading members of the House Science Committee are urging NASA to defer its developing space plane program because of concerns about cost and the potential benefit of the craft.

Shuttle crew added to U.S. space memorial
The names of the seven Columbia astronauts who died in February were added to a national memorial at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida.

Microsoft Fires Mac Fan For Blog Photo
Microsoft has fired a full-time temp employee after it discovered that the employee posted in his blog a photo and story concerning Microsoft's purchase of what looks to be around 18 G5s.

Sun seals state deal
SUN has cut a deal with the NSW Government in hopes of getting its software on more of the state's computers.

Sun rising on the desktop
First look at Java Desktop System shows it has potential

Brothel-on-wheels hits the road
The sign on the front of the bus read ``Come try something different with us'' but police in Istanbul say the four people running Turkey's first brothel-on-wheels may be breaking the law.

Police Officer Jailed over Star Jumps
A Florida police officer has resigned because of allegations that he allowed a pair of teenagers to avoid arrest by doing topless jumping jacks.

SCO Madness Reigns Supreme

SCO: IBM cannot enforce GPL
Free Software Foundation is the only entity that can enforce the GPL, SCO officials say.

(C) Shouting Red Goanna Inc.
A wholly subsidiary of
Screaming Blue Wombat Inc. /
Avenging Seahorse Industries

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